
What is Rabies? Rabies is a viral infection of the nervous system. The disease is reported in different wild and domestic animal species, but most cases of rabies in South Africa involve domestic dogs. Human rabies cases are rare in South Africa but cases are still confirmed annually. Humans are exposed to rabies through bites …

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What is Rubella? Rubella, or German measles, is an infectious disease caused by the rubella virus. It is usually a mild disease in children and adults but can have serious consequences in pregnant women by infecting their unborn babies and causing congenital rubella syndrome. Rubella in Publications Bulletin October 2019 Bulletin September 2018 Bulletin March …

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Rotavirus infection

What is Rotavirus? Rotavirus infection is a viral infection caused by a rotavirus. It is the leading cause of severe diarrhoea in children under 5 years worldwide. In South Africa, rotavirus infections peak during the winter months. Rotavirus Infection in Publications Bulletin November 2014 Bulletin June 2013 Bulletin August 2012 Bulletin March 2011 Bulletin March …

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Rift Valley fever

What is Rift Valley Fever? Rift Valley fever is a disease which is spread to sheep, cattle and goats by mosquitoes, and it causes abortion and death of the animals. Humans become infected from handling sick animals, carcasses or meat, or less often from mosquito bites. The disease does not spread from one person to …

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